AIMS Internationals analys av affärsklimatet Q1 2014

AIMS Internationals analys av affärsklimatet Q1 2014

April 16th, 2014 ? Vienna, Austria ? AIMS International, a preeminent global Executive Search and Talent Management organization, has launched the 9th issue of its Business Climate indicator. The ABCA delivers a global insight from the executive search business point of view.
This analysis of the Executive Search Market surveys past, present and expected business conditions in 7 major business segments. It approaches the last 4 months and forecasts the next 4 months on the basis of interviews with AIMS International partners and consultants in 47 countries. The
first ABCA was published in Q2 2011
?Every issue of the ABCA delivers useful information for any business leader. AIMS International covers the whole world and as trends in Executive Search firms are very early signs of changes ? good or bad, the ABCA analysis provides concise information about these trends. It is a good indicator of where the future is heading?, says Daniel Ekberg, President of AIMS International.
For a detailed report, visit

AIMS International har i ?r rankats som världens näst största chefsrekryteringsfirma. Företaget finns representerat p? alla kontinenter med mer än 90 kontor i 55 länder. Med över 350 rekryteringskonsulter erbjuder AIMS International ett brett utbud av tjänster till en betydande och bred kundbas. Sverigekontoret startades 1998 och rekryterar chefer och specialister till främst mellanstora företag och storföretag med internationell verksamhet.

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