Answer the phone and surf with gloves on – Guide now has touch-function gloves

Answer the phone and surf with gloves on – Guide now has touch-function gloves
2014-02-24 08:00 Guide An overwhelming majority of Swedish craftsmen use the mobile phone daily in their work, and the absolute majority of them have a smartphone. Guide's new touchscreen feature that works with smartphones allows you to keep your gloves on. Take a call and avoid getting your hands cold and wet.

An overwhelming majority of Swedish craftsmen use the mobile phone daily in their work, and the absolute majority of them have a smartphone. Guide’s new touchscreen feature that works with smartphones allows you to keep your gloves on. Take a call and avoid getting your hands cold and wet.
A survey among Swedish craftsmen shows that nearly nine out of ten use a smartphone.* A large number of Swedish craftsmen are also self-employed, and live with their office in their pocket. Consequently there is a need for gloves that make administrative tasks easier – answering calls, sending e-mails, documenting with the camera and accessing the internet.
– „When we look at our range we start with the users' various needs in order to offer the right glove for the right type of work and the right customer. We have now developed three new work gloves for different areas of application, but with one thing in common – the touchscreen function that works on touch panels and smartphones”, explains ?sa Lindberg Svensson, Category Manager at Guide.
Avoid cold and wet hands when answering the phone
Guide 587 is versatile, durable and cool with an excellent dry grip and works exceptionally well with touchscreens. Well-suited to assembly and construction industries, where a smartphone, tablet computer or touchscreen are used.
Guide 589 is a thin, versatile glove that works excellently with touchscreens. Suitable for assembly and precision work, picking and packing, for work where tablet computers and touchscreens are used.
Guide 309 is a cut protection level 5 glove with PU giving the touchscreen function. Suitable for use in metalworking, glass industry, assembly and construction where there is risk for cut injuries.
The gloves will be in store from February, and have a recommended price of between SEK 19.00 – 90.00 per pair (excl VAT), depending on the model.
*The survey was conducted among 163 craftsmen during October 2012.
For more information please contact:
?sa Lindberg Svensson, Category Manager Guide
E-mail: [email protected]
Tfn: +46 (0) 70 – 395 72 33

A to już wiesz?  Frisbeegolfen har kommit till Sigtuna

Guide representerar ett heltäckande sortiment av arbetshandskar för olika risksituationer och användningsomr?den. Främst för användare inom bygg- och industrisektorn. Genom att ligga i framkant och fokusera p? utvecklingsarbete erbjuder vi handskar som inte bara skyddar händerna utan m?nga g?nger ocks? underlättar jobbet. Guide säljs och marknadsförs av Skydda Protecting People Europe AB, nordens ledande leverantör av personlig skyddsutrustning för professionella användare.

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