Bemannia signs agreement with Svenska Spel

Svenska Spel has conducted an agreement regarding staffing personnel and Bemannia is one of the selected suppliers
The procurement was divided in four tender areas, Store/ Logistics/ Distribution, Customer Service/ Marketing/ Communication, Office/Administration/Economics/HR and Law. Three suppliers includes in the framework agreement within each tender areas. Bemannia was assigned in each category except in Law, where tenders were not submitted.
Svenska Spel is wholly owned by the Swedish State. The framework agreement includes also Svenska Spel´s affiliate Casino Cosmopol, CC Casino Restaurang AB and Playscan AB.
Staffan Bruzelius, CEO at Bemannia are very pleased to deliver knowledgeable personnel to Svenska Spel.
– It feels fantastic that Bemannia is one of the framework suppliers and we are looking forward to cooperate with Svenska Spel and their group, says Staffan Bruzelius.
The duration of the contract is two years with an opportunity for Svenska Spel to renew the contract with 24 more months maximum distributed on one or more occasions.


E-mail: [email protected]

Telephone: 08-845 300 or 0771-84 53 00
Twitter: @bemannia

Bemannia is a public and Swedish owned manning and recruitment company that supplies competent and qualified staff by rental, recruitment and staff contracts within Organization & Leadership, PR & Information, Market & Sales, Finance, Law, HR & Staff, Real estate & Technique, IT & Data as well as Office & Administration. Bemannia has a frame agreement with 220 municipalities and 100 administrations, companies and authority?s all over Sweden. Bemannia is a member of Bemanningsföretagen and is an authorized manning company with collective agreement with Unionen, Akademikerna and SEKO. Bemannia is quality assured according to the Quality management system ISO 9001:2008, Environmental management system 14001:2004 and Work environment certified according to OHSAS 18001:2007. The company management has been active for more than 35 years.

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