Biogas och biodiesel ? ny energiteknik och nya risker?

Biogas och biodiesel ? ny energiteknik och nya risker?
2013-12-17 09:15 Bemannia AB (publ) In December 2011 the municipal of Sigtuna conducted a procurement regarding personnel for managers and administrative personnel. Bemannia was awarded the framework in all categories within geriatric care directors, health and environment inspectors, financial assistant/ social welfare assistants, receptionists/operator and administrators.

In December 2011 the municipal of Sigtuna conducted a procurement regarding personnel for managers and administrative personnel. Bemannia was awarded the framework in all categories within geriatric care directors, health and environment inspectors, financial assistant/ social welfare assistants, receptionists/operator and administrators.
After two years the municipal of Sigtuna chooses to renewal the framework until 2015-01-25. This can sees as a result of good collaboration during the years.

– We are very proud that the municipal of Sigtuna wants to continue our collaboration and renewals the contract with us. And we are looking forward to continue this cooperation says, Staffan Bruzelius, CEO at Bemannia.
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Bemannia is a public and Swedish owned manning and recruitment company that supplies competent and qualified staff by rental, recruitment and staff contracts within Organization & Leadership, PR & Information, Market & Sales, Finance, Law, HR & Staff, Real estate & Technique, IT & Data as well as Office & Administration. Bemannia has a frame agreement with 220 municipalities and 100 administrations, companies and authority?s all over Sweden. Bemannia is a member of Bemanningsföretagen and is an authorized manning company with collective agreement with Unionen, Akademikerna and SEKO. Bemannia is quality assured according to the Quality management system ISO 9001:2008, Environmental management system 14001:2004 and Work environment certified according to OHSAS 18001:2007. The company management has been active for more than 35 years.

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