Ett hem för alla – konferens i Oslo

Ett hem för alla – konferens i Oslo
2014-09-17 11:50 Nordens Velf?rdscenter Den 9 och 10 oktober arrangeras konferensen "Ett hem för alla", som fokuserar p? en av de viktigaste uppgifterna inom europeisk politik. Rätten till boende är central i varje samhälle. Framg?ngsrik kombination av ändam?lsenligt boende och god service gör det möjligt för personer som har behov av stöd, att leva ett gott liv som fullvärdiga inkluderade samhällsmedborgare.

A home is a cornerstone in the lives of most people. The right to housing is one of the most basic human rights ensuring human dignity. The successful integration of housing and social services enables people with support needs to live independently and be included in society. It is thus one of the most important challenges and responsibilities of service providers and authorities across Europe. This conference will focus on one of the most pressing issues in European politics. The European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD) together with the Nordic Centre for Welfare and Social Issues (NVC), the Norwegian SOR Foundation and the partners of PUSH Europe: FEANTSA, CECODHAS and MHE are organising an international conference on the development of homes and housing services for persons with disabilities, persons with mental health problems, homeless people and people in need of housing support.
The conference will take place in Oslo on 9 and 10 October 2014

Nordens Velf?rdscenter, NVC, er en institution under Nordisk Ministerr?d

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