
Hedin and Stern in discussions on merging their respective automotive operations

Hedin and Stern in discussions on merging their respective automotive operations
Anders Hedin Invest AB and Stern Groep N.V., the Dutch listed automotive group, are in exclusive discussions on merging their respective automotive operations, including I.A. Hedin Bil AB (publ). The combination of Hedin and Stern will have strong complementarity in terms of geographic focus and brands. In addition, the combined group will be very well positioned to play a leading role in the expected ongoing consolidation of automotive retailers in the

Dato: 30-01-2020 09:30 CET Opprinnelig tittel på pressemeldingen: Hedin and Stern in discussions on merging their respective automotive operations Kategori: , Arbeidsliv Økonomi, finans Transport Anders Hedin Invest AB and Stern Groep N.V., the Dutch listed automotive group, are in exclusive discussions on merging their respective automotive operations, including I.A. Hedin Bil AB (publ). The combination of Hedin and Stern will have strong complementarity in terms of geographic focus and brands. In addition, the combined group will be very well positioned to play a leading role in the expected ongoing consolidation of automotive retailers in the Eurozone.

Anders Hedin Invest AB and Stern Groep N.V., the Dutch listed automotive group, are in exclusive discussions on merging their respective automotive operations, including I.A. Hedin Bil AB (publ). The combination of Hedin and Stern will have strong complementarity in terms of geographic focus and brands. In addition, the combined group will be very well positioned to play a leading role in the expected ongoing consolidation of automotive retailers in the Eurozone.

The automotive industry faces numerous trends and developments which will eventually have great impact on the mobility of individuals and the way they are used to purchase and use cars. This requires automotive retailers all over Europe to reconsider their value to customers and rethink their current business model. To find the right answer to these developments, automotive retailers are looking for new knowledge and complementary competencies. Moreover the car market is becoming an international market. Hedin and Stern believe that joining forces is the best way forward.

At this stage there can be no assurance that the merger will materialise. After the merger, the combination intends to retain and use the Euronext Amsterdam listing as a platform for further growth.

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Further announcements will be made if and when circumstances so require.

For further information, please contact Anders Hedin
​T +46(0)31 790 00 00

About Hedin

The Hedin automotive operations are one of the largest family-owned automotive groups in the Eurozone, offering full service for private and corporate customers since 1985. Financing, service and insurance are some of the components of the total offer. Hedin retails vehicles of 32 leading brands – including both brands matching Stern such as Mercedes-Benz, Renault, Nissan, Ford, Land Rover, Kia and Opel, as well as unique brands such as BMW, Mini and Porsche – including passenger cars, commercial vehicles, and trucks. The company also offers car accessories, and tires and tire services; aftermarket and financing services; and insurance products. Hedin is represented in more than 125 locations with more than 3,600 employees in Sweden, Norway, Belgium, Switzerland and Germany and is headquartered in Mölndal, Sweden.

About Stern

Stern is a large Dutch automotive group that has been listed on Euronext Amsterdam since 2000. Stern offers a wide variety of car brands and additional mobility services. Dealergroup Stern represents several leading brands such as Mercedes-Benz, Renault, Nissan, Ford, Volvo, Land Rover, Kia and Opel. In addition Stern is engaged in services including leasing, rental, insurance, finance and extended warranties, (brand-certified) car body repair and in-vehicle equipment for commercial vehicles. The company currently has 75 branches with approximately 1,700 employees (FTE) in relevant areas of The Netherlands. Kilde: Pressekontor Hedin Automotive – PRESSEMELDING – ———— Om Hedin Automotive

Hedin Automotive er et heleid datterselskap av svenske I.A. Hedin Bil AB. Bavaria, en av Nordens største forhandlere av BMW og MINI, inngår i selskapet sammen med Hedin Performance Cars AB (Porsche i Norge og Sverige) og GS Bildeler – Norges største uavhengige leverandør av reservedeler og tilbehør til BMW. Hedin Automotive omsatte i 2019 for over seks milliarder NOK, og sysselsetter flere enn 700 ansatte.

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Om Hedin Bil AB 

Hedin Bil AB er et svensk familiekonsern som ble etablert i 1985 av far Ingemar og sønn Anders Hedin. Konsernet driver flere enn 100 bilanlegg og forhandler 31 varemerker i Sverige, Norge og Belgia. Med sine drygt 2 900 ansatte, er Hedin Bil en av de største bilforhandlerne i Norden. Selskapet solgte 80 000 kjøretøy i 2019.

Hedin Bil AB inngår i Anders Hedin Invest-konsernet sammen med Klintberg & Way-konsernet, Mabi Hyrbilar, Car to Go Sweden, Hedin IT og Fastighetskoncernen Tuve Bygg AB. Anders Hedin Invest er også deleier i Lasingoo Sverige AB. Konsernets totale omsetning forventes å nå 30 milliarder SEK i 2020, og vil sysselsette flere enn 4 000 medarbeidere. Hashtags: # #Arbeidsliv Økonomi, finans Transport Arbeidsliv Økonomi, finans Transport

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