NanoForum 2014 presents nominated company Polymer Factory

NanoForum 2014 presents nominated company Polymer Factory
2014-05-09 18:29 SwedNanoTech Many excellent candidates have been nominated for SwedNanoTechs annual award ?rets Nanoföretag (Swedish Nanotechnology Company of the Year). Here you can read an interview about the nominated company Polymer Factory with their CEO, Andreas Nyström. Polymer Factory is one of five nominees that will give presentations during the conference Nanoforum 2014, May 15th in Stockholm.

Many excellent candidates have been nominated for SwedNanoTechs annual award ?rets Nanoföretag (Swedish Nanotechnology Company of the Year). Five companies have been selected from the candidates to give company presentations on stage during the nanotechnology conference Nanoforum 2014, May 15th in Stockholm.

Here you can read an interview about the nominated company Polymer Factory with their CEO, Andreas Nyström.
Why should Polymer Factory be Swedish Nanotechnology Company of the Year, 2014?
– We are a good example of a Swedish nanotechnology company that has grown organically, with sales. We have developed both patents and trademarks and we are established on all continents.
Our patented technology and our materials are biocompatible, non-toxic and biodegradable. At the moment we are signing contracts with major companies concerning our technology SpheriCal?.
What is your business idea?
– We use our nanostructures as a calibrant for the development of biotechnology and materials science. We make precise nanostructures, synthetic proteins, with a specific composition that makes it possible to connect various functions to materials.
The purpose of the technology is to enable better research and product development in a wide range of areas. It is quite complicated to technically construct these materials.
It is, for example, possible to make new pharmaceuticals by designing the drug carriers with an exact number of drugs on each carrier. Our technology SpheriCal? makes it possible to analyze antibody-based drugs with higher precision or get better calibrations when doing proteomics, a large field in finding new treatments within the pharmaceutical industry.
In what areas do you have your your customers?
– Our customers are big pharmaceutical companies, material manufacturing companies in the electronics industry, research institutes and in academic research. We had over 100 customers last year.
Many of them, particularly in the biotech and pharma industries, want to test hypotheses. An example can be to attach two binding receptors close together on our material and a drug, to examine if the combination can enhance the effect.
How big is the company?
– We have one full-time employee and two partners, both active in the company.
How long have Polymer Factory existed?
– Since 2005. Today we work with one of the world’s largest chemical company. We have 40 products in their catalogue and about 250 on our own website.
About the award ?rets nanoföretag 2014
During the conference NanoForum 2014 we will announce which company have been selected ?rets nanoföretag 2014 (Swedish Nanotechnology Company of the Year 2014). The purpose of the award is to recognize a young, responsible, Swedish company with a clear nanotechnology profile.
About NanoForum 2014
NanoForum is the annual nanotechnology conference organized by the Swedish umbrella organization SwedNanoTech.
This year the conference is held May 15th, at IVA’s conference center in Stockholm. The purpose of the conference is to highlight relevant nanotechnology topics with presentations from leading expertise.
NanoForum 2014 the fourth edition of the conference and is jointly organized by SwedNanoTech and the Nanotechnology Industries Association (NIA). The conference is free of charge.
Read more about the conference, the speakers and the exhibiting companies on the conference webpage.
SwedNanoTech är en förening som har bildats för att skapa en tydlig profil för svensk nanoteknologi i Sverige och utlandet och etablera ett gott samarbete mellan forskare, entreprenörer och samhället i övrigt. Vi har ca 120 medlemmar, b?de studenter, företag och enskilda forskare.

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