Navigio lanserar helt ny hemsida

Navigio lanserar helt ny hemsida
2014-09-02 13:46 Navigio Navigio lanserar en helt ny hemsida

Navigio lanserar en ny hemsida med helt ny design och nytt inneh?ll. Stort fokus läggs p? case som beskriver hur Navigio kan hjälpa människor och organisationer att utvecklas till sin fulla potential.

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Navigio is one of the Nordic region’s leading consulting firms within Human Capital Management and offers services within executive search, leadership services, performance management and organization strategy.Navigio is established in the Nordic market, but also work internationally. Our Nordic offices have completed assignments in over 30 countries in recent years. Our clients include major international groups and smaller growth companies. We build long-term and close customer relationships and actively works towards being a strategic partner for our clients when it comes to attract, recruit, develop and retain successful employees.
Navigio has been on the market for 20 years and is currently a growth company that has grown some 2000% in the last seven years. We, together with our employees and partners have created an organization that lives what it preaches and where everyone, regardless of role, can become partner. We work continuously to maintain and enhance our position as one of Sweden’s best workplaces and involves all employees in this work.
Navigio is authorized by HRK, the Swedish trade association for HR consultants. This means that our methods and tools are reviewed by an external party. The authorization means that we have valid and reliable methods, an ethical approach and a scientific basis in our methods
Elin Kiw, Pressansvarig, [email protected], telefon: 070-777 22 67

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