NY bok ute nu! „Swedes are somewhat obsessed with meetings” säger författaren.

NY bok ute nu! „Swedes are somewhat obsessed with meetings” säger författaren.
2014-02-18 12:18 Colin Moon Communications AB If there?s a meeting Swedes will go to it. It?s a national hobby. Statistics show that 25% of the time Swedes are at work is spent in the meeting room. And a recent survey reveals that 33% of Swedes called to a meeting are wondering what they are doing there.

If there?s a meeting Swedes will go to it. It?s a national hobby.
Statistics show that 25% of the time Swedes are at work is spent in the meeting room. And a recent survey reveals that 33% of Swedes called to a meeting are wondering what they are doing there. (Mötesbarometern 3S)
They are there because that?s what they do. They run from the Monday morning meeting to the customer meeting and from there to a lunch meeting followed by an information meeting.
If they?re lucky they can squeeze in a pre-meeting and a crisis meeting all before lunch time.
Admittedly, they constantly leave work early and have more holidays a year than an American has in a lifetime. And no, they do not have a world-wide reputation for making quick, snappy decisions. So how come Swedes continue to outperform most other industrialized nations?
We may admire Swedes at work, but we are not always sure what they are playing at ? hur de f?r ihop det. So, treat this little book as a kind of kallelse ? an invitation to attend all their meetings and see for yourself how they get things done. Because they do. A note to all of you who are not familiar with the beautiful Swedish language. I have included some Swedish words and terms because I just can?t possibly leave them out. They are so much a part of Swedish business life. Swedes will recognise them and themselves immediately. I have tried to offer a reasonable translation.
So, as the Swedes say, after sixteen meetings and twelve coffee breaks: Nu kör vi! ? let?s get going!

A to już wiesz?  Värd ett gott liv? Särskilt stöd och boende: existensminimum och ensamhet

Colin Moon: Underh?llande föreläsningar om kulturkrockar, kommunikation och kemi p? den internationella arbetsplatsen. Kulturskillnader i allmänhet, det svenska och det nordiska i synnerhet.
Dessutom: roliga böcker om Sverige, svenskar och svenskhet – ur en utomst?endes förundrande perspektiv.
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