Ny unders?gelse: 85% af K?benhavnere er tilfredse med livskvaliteten

Ny unders?gelse: 85% af K?benhavnere er tilfredse med livskvaliteten
DIS – Danish Institute for Study Abroad prominente g?steprofessor Michael Oluf Emerson, Rice University i Houston, Texas, USA har foretaget en unders?gelse blandt K?benhavnere og

DIS – Danish Institute for Study Abroad prominente g?steprofessor Michael Oluf Emerson, Rice University i Houston, Texas, USA har foretaget en unders?gelse blandt K?benhavnere og p? samme tid gennemf?rt tilsvarende omr?de unders?gelse i Houston, Texas. L?s kort om nogle af resultaterne fra Professor Michael Emersons unders?gelse nedenfor og kom til hans pr?sentation p? DIS – Danish Institute for Study Abroad.
Pr?sentation af Professor i sociologi, Michael Oluf Emerson:
TID: Mandag den 12. maj 2014 kl. 18-19.
Sted: DIS – Danish Institute for Study Abroad, Vestergade 23, lokale 301, 1456 K?benhavn.
Pr?sentationen vil v?re p? engelsk
Short facts about the Copenhagen Area Survey:
New survey results find that 88% of Copenhageners believe Copenhagen is a better place to live than other northern European cities. And 85% of Copenhagen area adults are satisfied with their quality of life.
At the same time, only 2% of adults in the Copenhagen area think relations between Danes and nonwestern immigrants are excellent, and nearly 60% believe that the increasing ethnic diversity of the Copenhagen area will eventually become a growing problem for the region.
Such are a few of the findings from the just completed Copenhagen Area Survey, a random survey of 1093 adults in the Copenhagen region. The survey is an inside look at what Copenhageners think on important issues of the day and on the issues affecting their quality of life in the region.*
Funded by the Kinder Institute for Urban Research at Rice University in Houston, Texas, USA and sponsored by the Danish Institute for Study Abroad, the survey was conducted by Epinion in April, 2014. The survey reached a random sample of 1093 adults, and the on-line interviews averaged 17 minutes in length.
?The Copenhagen Area Survey was conducted at the same time as the Houston Area Survey, allowing for fascinating comparisons across these two very different types of cities. The surveys will be used for a book A Tale of Two Cities: Copenhagen, Houston, and Our Urban Future,?
noted survey director Michael Oluf Emerson, who is also Co-Director of the Kinder Institute at Rice University and a visiting faculty member at the Danish Institute for Study Aboard.

A to już wiesz?  Gode muligheder for at udf?re frivilligt arbejde

Emerson will lead a presentation on the Copenhagen Areas Survey?s main findings on May 12th from 18:00-19:00 at Vestergade 23, classroom 301. At that time the full report on the survey?s findings will also be made available.
The presentation will be followed by a champagne reception.
For details contact Neringa B. Vendelbo at [email protected]
*The survey covers topics such as commuting modes and patterns, residents? ranking of various transportation modes that the region should prioritize, characteristics of respondent?s closest friends, levels of volunteer activity, environmental attitudes and practices, religious beliefs and behaviors, attitudes toward living in the Copenhagen area, use of Copenhagen area cultural activities, views on the proper role of government, neighborhood preferences and satisfaction, experience of stress, ranking of health and happiness, and social attitudes.
Yderligere information
DIS – Danish Institute for Study Abroad
Vestergade 5-7, 1456 K?benhavn K
Presseansvarlig Christian Palvad, tlf. 33 11 01 44.
Dansk website:

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DIS – Danish Institute for Study Abroad er en selvejende non-profit undervisningsinstitution, der er finansieret af de studerendes egenbetaling. DIS er internationalt h?jt respekteret og har siden 1959 undervist amerikanske universitetsstuderende. DIS undervisningsprogram udbydes i samarbejde med en lang r?kke topkvalitets universiteter over hele USA, som ?rligt sender mere end 2500 studerende til DIS. DIS programoplysninger: klik p?

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