Släppt idag! 'Swedes@meetings' av Colin Moon

2014-01-27 15:42 Colin Moon Communications AB Idag släpps Colin Moons nya bok - swedes@meetings. Boken inneh?ller c:a 6000 ord, är i behändigt fickformat och är p? engelska! Colin Moon berättar med stor glimt i ögat om svenskarnas förkärlek till alla slags möten. Swedes@meetings kan beställas fr o m idag p?: Begär mängdrabatt!

Utdrag ur boken:
Every week the Swedish diary is packed with meetings ? möten. Many meetings. Planned for this week are the following:
Ett informationsmöte ? a meeting to inform everybody why they are at the meeting.
Ett uppföljningsmöte ? a meeting to follow the last meeting.
Ett avstämningsmöte ? a meeting to check what people understood from the last meeting.
Ett förmöte ? a meeting to discuss the next meeting.
Ett planeringsmöte ? a meeting to plan a lot of other meetings.
Ett personalmöte ? a meeting to let the staff know they are at the meeting.
Ett idémöte ? a meeting to discuss creative ideas which could work if people weren?t always at meetings.
Ett telefonmöte ? a meeting to avoid a real meeting.
Ett frukostmöte ? a meeting at breakfast time as it won?t otherwise fit into today?s busy meeting schedule.
Ett lunchmöte ? a meeting at lunch time as it won?t fit otherwise fit into today?s busy meeting schedule.
Ett extrainsatt möte ? an extra meeting just in case they run out of other meetings.
Ett oplanerat möte ? a spontaneous, unscheduled meeting (just joking).
Ett krismöte ? a panic meeting to discuss why the coffee machine hasn?t been working for two days.
Ett inställt möte ? which means there is no meeting. Someone has cancelled it. And it?s too late to schedule another. (This empty hole in the diary makes life feel pretty meaningless).

Colin Moon: Underh?llande föreläsningar om kulturkrockar, kommunikation och kemi p? den internationella arbetsplatsen. Kulturskillnader i allmänhet, det svenska och det nordiska i synnerhet.
Dessutom: roliga böcker om Sverige, svenskar och svenskhet – ur en utomst?endes förundrande perspektiv.
Colin Moon was awarded the title ??rets Talare? (Business speaker of the year) in Sweden in 2012. This is quite an honour for someone who speaks Swedish with a distinct English accent. Colin?s subject is cross-border teamwork, and very often he has to explain to people why Swedes in business are the way they are. He is also the author of the bestselling book ?Sweden ? the Secret Files?, of which an amazing 200.000 copies have been sold.

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