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Frank Massen appointed CEO of Carlsberg Deutschland

Frank Massen (45) has been appointed CEO of Carlsberg Deutschland effective as of 14 May. He comes from a position as Managing Director of the Trinks Group.
Frank Massen has more than 20 years of experience in marketing and sales. He has held various positions in companies such as Unilever Germany, SmithKline Beecham and United Distillers. In early 2005, Frank Massen joined Carlsberg Deutschland, where he was appointed Vice President Sales. He left the company in 2007 to take up the position as Managing Director of the Trinks Group.
He replaces Wolfgang Burgard (62) who will remain as member of the board of directors of Carlsberg Deutschland and will work on strategic tasks for the Carlsberg Group.

Media Relations: Jens Bekke +45 3327 1412

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