The municipal of Uppsala and Micasa Fastigheter i Stockholm AB have connected to the agreement between Bemannia and SKL Kommentus Central Purchasing AB

The municipal of Uppsala and Micasa Fastigheter i Stockholm AB have connected to the agreement between Bemannia and SKL Kommentus Central Purchasing AB
2014-02-05 09:15 Bemannia AB (publ) The municipal of Uppsala and Micasa Fastigheter has connected to the recently signed agreement between Bemannia and SKL Kommentus Central Purchasing AB (SKI) regarding staffing services

The municipal of Uppsala and Micasa Fastigheter has connected to the recently signed agreement between Bemannia and SKL Kommentus Central Purchasing AB (SKI) regarding staffing services. Bemannia has among with four other suppliers won a contract regarding personnel hiring within administration, finance, personnel and property to all Sweden´s municipality, county council, regions and local authorities through a contract with SKI.
In order to streamline the purchasing from the public sector SKI coordinates procurement together with municipalities, county council and regions. During the autumn 2012 there was a procurement of staffing services that were made with a total of 28 staffing companies who competed to win the procurement. The framework will last until end of November 2014 with an opportunity of two more years´ extension. The total assumed value of the procurement is 60 million SEK.
I this procurement, Bemannia was given a framework within all (15) categories and geographical regions. The fifteen different work categories are within administration, finance, personnel and property.
– Through our long experience and our good collaboration with the costumers in the public sector we do now know what the client?s needs and can therefore adapt our services to support the municipalities, county council, local authorities and regions says Staffan Bruzelius, CEO at Bemannia ? and we are looking forward to a long collaboration.
462 contracting authorities have the possibility to implement a framework agreement on the basis of the performed purchases. During the last week the municipal of Uppsala and Micasa Fastigheter has connected to the agreement.
– We are looking forward to increase our relations with this client with hopefulness about a long and trustful collaboration says Staffan Bruzelius.

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For further information, please contact Staffan Bruzelius, CEO at Bemannia.
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 08-845 300 or 0771-84 53 00
Twitter: @bemannia

Bemannia is a public and Swedish owned manning and recruitment company that supplies competent and qualified staff by rental, recruitment and staff contracts within Organization & Leadership, PR & Information, Market & Sales, Finance, Law, HR & Staff, Real estate & Technique, IT & Data as well as Office & Administration. Bemannia has a frame agreement with 220 municipalities and 100 administrations, companies and authority?s all over Sweden. Bemannia is a member of Bemanningsföretagen and is an authorized manning company with collective agreement with Unionen, Akademikerna and SEKO. Bemannia is quality assured according to the Quality management system ISO 9001:2008, Environmental management system 14001:2004 and Work environment certified according to OHSAS 18001:2007. The company management has been active for more than 35 years.

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