Time to register for NanoForum 2014, May 15th!

Time to register for NanoForum 2014, May 15th!
2014-04-22 16:56 SwedNanoTech On May 15th NanoForum2014 will take place in Stockholm. The theme is Public Private Partnerships with presentations spanning all the way from international policy issues right down to hands-on examples from existing programmes. NanoForum2014 is the fourth edition of the conference and is jointly organized by SwedNanoTech and Nanotechnology Industries Association. The conference is free of charge.

Welcome to a big conference on tiny matters!

On May 15th, NanoForum 2014 will take place in Stockholm, Sweden. The theme is Public Private Partnerships with presentations spanning all the way from international policy issues right down to hands-on examples from existing programmes.
Don?t miss the opportunity for an excellent overview over the nanotechnology safety and innovation work being done in Europe and Sweden!
>> Read more and register

– Mr Christos Tokamanis, Head Nano-Sciences and Nano Technologies, European Commission
– Dr Antje Grobe, Managing Director, DIALOG BASIS
– Dr Carolin Kranz, Senior Manager at Communications & Government Relations department, BASF
– Dr Tom Van Teunenbroek, Dutch Ministry of Environment and Infrastructure and Project Coordinator for the EU project NANoREG
>> About the conference speakers
?rets Nanoföretag 2014
During the conference we will announce which company has been selected ?rets nanoföretag 2014 (Swedish Nanotechnology Company of the Year 2014). The purpose of the award is to recognize young, responsible, Swedish companies with clear nanotechnology profiles.
Each of the nominated companies will hold short company presentations during the day, and the winner of the award will be crowned on stage at the end of the conference.
The nominated companies are:
– Sol Voltaics
– Disruptive Materials
– Polymer Factory
– Applied Nano Surfaces
– Spago Imaging
>> Read more about the award
Conference details

Date: May 15, 2014
Time: 08.30 ? 19.00
Venue: The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), Stockholm, Sweden
Conference language: English
Delegate fee: Free of charge
Exhibition fee: Members of SwedNanoTech or NIA: Free of charge. Non-members: 6000 SEK
No-show fee: 500 SEK if you cancel your registration later then May 12, 2014
>> Register for NanoForum
About NanoForum
NanoForum is the annual nanotechnology conference organized by the Swedish umbrella organization SwedNanoTech. The purpose of the conference is to highlight relevant nanotechnology topics with presentations from leading expertise.
NanoForum 2014 the fourth edition of the conference and is jointly organized by SwedNanoTech and the Nanotechnology Industries Association (NIA).
The conference is free of charge.
SwedNanoTech är en förening som har bildats för att skapa en tydlig profil för svensk nanoteknologi i Sverige och utlandet och etablera ett gott samarbete mellan forskare, entreprenörer och samhället i övrigt. Vi har ca 120 medlemmar, b?de studenter, företag och enskilda forskare.
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