Welcome to Nordic Day! This year´s theme: Violence against persons with disability ? to prevent, recognize and respond.

Welcome to Nordic Day! This year´s theme: Violence against persons with disability ? to prevent, recognize and respond.
2014-02-22 17:48 Nordens Velf?rdscenter Welcome to Nordic Day, the pre-conference to the 22nd European Social Services Conference in Rome! This year´s theme is Violence against persons with disability ? to prevent, recognize and respond.

Welcome to Nordic Day, the pre-conference to the 22nd European Social Services Conference in Rome!
This year´s theme is Violence against persons with disability ? to prevent, recognize and respond.

If you are interested in learning more about the Nordic welfare systems and in particular about this year?s important topic, then please ensure that you book your place HERE as soon as possible!
Persons with functional impairments are victims of violence to a greater extent than other people, but this has long been an invisible social problem. These persons are rarely seen, in research as well as in public debate. The violence looks different from violence against other persons and often relates to the persons' disability. The situation of persons with disabilities who are victims of violence is marked by dependence on the outside world and in many cases also on the perpetrator.
In recent years, alarming reports have been published. Reports of hidden cases of abused persons with disabilities and also the existing system’s difficulties in meeting the target groups' needs and rights. Internationally, the theme of violence against especially women with disabilities has been recognized explicitly in several contexts including the UN, EU and Council of Europe.
Join the debate on this complex subject and discuss how to balance individual rights and societal obligations.

The Nordic Centre for Welfare and Social Issues is led by a board with representatives from the five Nordic countries. The board is appointed by the Nordic Council of Ministers.
We operate in the following fields:
? Alcohol and drug research
? Labour inclusion
? Disability issues
? The Nordic welfare model
? Welfare technology

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