Young people on the edge – an English release.

Young people on the edge – an English release.
2013-05-29 11:49 Nordens Velf?rdscenter The English version of the Nordic summery report of Unge p? kanten, focusing on labour market inclusion of vulnerable youth in the Nordic region, is now released.

The English version of the Nordic summery report of Unge p? kanten, focusing on labour market inclusion of vulnerable youth in the Nordic region, is now released.
Youth unemployment of between approx. 10% (Norway) and approx. 25% (Sweden) of the workforce is serious in its own right, but the type of exclusion documented in this report is even more alarming. There is a risk that this ?exclusion of young people? could cause a high percentage of the younger generation to have very weak or no work ties or connections for much of their adult lives. It could also result in social problems and conflict.
The unemployment among young people is considerably higher than the overall unemployment in the Nordic region. A growing group of young people in the Nordic countries are at a great risk of permanent exclusion with regard to working life and society, perhaps for much of their adult lives. Unemployment among young people is a permanent structural problem, but it has increased as a result of the global economic crisis.
The Nordic Council of Ministers has asked the Nordic Centre for Welfare and Social Issues to analyze, how one in the Nordic region most effectively can contribute to increased inclusion of vulnerable people in the labour market. The report Young people on the edge (summary) ? Labour market inclusion of vulnerable youth is a result of this work.
The report may be downloaded or ordered here.
For more information, please contact:
Caroline Jonsson, 0046 – 708 298 559
[email protected]

Nordens Velf?rdscenter, NVC, er en institution under Nordisk Ministerr?d

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